To all who are arriving by way of today’s story in The Day, thank you for visiting this new website. I’m honored and humbled that Kimberly Drelich decided to write this story. The goal on this blog is to tell my story of being a living liver donor, share first-hand experiences and insights, and ultimately form a community of donors and potential donors.
In the days to come I’ll be posting the entire journal that I’ve kept throughout this experience, from when the thought first crept into my head that I could maybe be a living liver donor, through current day and beyond. Surely there have been ups and downs, and the hope is to document them all so that this website can be a resource for other potential donors out there wondering what it feels like to undergo this operation. It’s quite an undertaking in more ways than one.
So, thank you for getting this far and I hope you’ll return to read all about it! My family feels so fortunate to have been a part of this, and my friendship with Rob Wallace is now quite unique!